Monday, May 10, 2010

Corn... Food of the Week.

Corn.  The forbidden veggie on soooo many diets.  Why?  Because it's sweet,  because it's starchy, and because some people just don't know any better.

The corn haters out there... need to get something straight... Corn is good for us.  Yes, it's a grain, and a veggie and the debate goes on and on... but really... it comes down to one thing... It's full of fiber and acts as "nature's broom".

Years ago, I came across a friends notebook full of jokes and one liners... and one entire page was dedicated to
(I'll be nice and not be too graphic here...) Poo. That's not the word it used... and it described all the different types of Poo, in a hilariously creative way... and one stuck in my mind... It said... "Corn Poo... no explanation needed"... and I got it instantly...Stay with me... don't click away yet... I won't stay on this subject much longer...
What it meant was... Corn... ever wonder how you can chew it, and chew it, and chew it for days... and in the end... it still looks like it came out whole? Okay, I 'm done... put the barf bag away...

The reason it does that is the hull... it's indigestible.  THAT is the broom part.  THAT is why it is so much better to eat whole grains and not the stripped way grains... the HULL is what is cleaning the lining of our intestines and taking away bad things with it...

Corn is starchy like bread, and it's gotten a really bad wrap with many diets because of it... but it is a GOOD CARB... it's natural... it's real... it tastes good without having to do anything to it... it can be eaten raw, cooked, steamed, boiled, bbq'd, popped, fried, etc...

Here's my favorite way to cook corn... I never boil my veggies... ever...

Get some corn on the cob... with the husks still one, preferably, and clean the silks off... but keep the husks intact...
mix together in a bowl...

1/2 cup olive oil
bbq seasoning mix
1/4 tsp curry powder
1/2 tsp granulated garlic
1 clove fresh crushed garlic

Brush the mixture on the corn and BBQ the corn with the husks around the seasoned cob...
The husks will get all blackened and charred... and the corn will steam and get all yummy inside...

Enjoy!!!  No butter necessary!!!

I also add corn to every soup I can... every stir fry, every taco meat mixture... basically to almost everything I eat...  I love it's sweetness, and it's ability to make my body think it's eaten bread.
It's quite a filler upper.
I buy it by the 5lb bag frozen... and keep it handy for all applications...

Corn... Food of the week... A misunderstood, often vilifed food... but a good one to eat...


  1. I loooooooove corn. Eat it occasionally now, since most of it is GMO now. I can't find REAL corn!! ahhhhh! lol

  2. Arlene... I buy organic, non GMO corn from Costco... it's awesome!!!

  3. Looks scrumptious! How long do you cook it on the grill? Have seen this done before, but never been good at it. Maybe too hot that the corn husks get all synched?

  4. Your BBQ corn looks delish. I know what I want this weekend!

  5. love love love corn! i love it on the cob with some lime juice and a sprinkle of cayenne pepper! yum yum!!


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