Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Starchy veggies... 2 ways.

Remember when people in the BILLION dollar diet industry told us to “BEWARE OF CORN & PEAS” like those two veggies were the devil incarnate? Remember when EVERYONE seemed to be on a Bacon, egg, steak, sausage eating frenzy, and no salad or fruits or veggies kick of eating no carbs at all? Remember when those same people doing those diets were going to hospital for severe ketone overload? Sure… they lost weight… but one regular meal, and they were back to their old ways and habits…

When looking for a new way of eating, try to look for something that entails having and making habits that are doable for a LIFETIME… Eating well, and trying to lessen the frequency and severity of illnesses should be what we look for when “shopping” for an eating plan.

I am instantly wary of any ‘DIET’ that completely discards an entire food group, like… say…. fruits and veggies. IT’S NOT NORMAL. We should all be wary of any plan that says you HAVE to eat something for 7 days, then something else for 7 days, then you can go back to your old ways… THAT’S NOT NORMAL EITHER…

BALANCE is the key to a healthy eating plan. Even the one I’m on… the books says… ‘BREAD, POTATOES, AND RICE’ are bad and fattening… I take issue with that… and I don’t believe it… HOWEVER… I don’t eat those things because all of my inflammation is GONE now that I have stopped eating those things… so on some level… FOR ME… those things are bad, and the book is correct… FOR ME… my family has no problem with those foods, and my husband has lost 45 lbs while still eating them.. so it depends on the person.

What’s am I trying to get at? Well… all that stuff up there was actually leading up to just a simple recipe or two of my favorite ways to make peas and corn dishes… Two “no no” foods on a LOT of food plans… but that are to be eaten in ABUNDANCE on the Let’s Do Lunch plan, because they are good for you, AND… eating these veggies help to curb cravings for things like bad bread, chips, and pastries of all kinds.

My (Sandra’s) Favorite Peas Side dish recipe
1 10 oz bag frozen peas
1 onion sliced
1-2 tbs olive oil

mushrooms, sliced (optional)

In a large frying pan, heat oil until screaming hot and then add the onion and saute until just brown… then add frozen peas and mushrooms (if using) and continue to cook until the peas start to wrinkle a little bit… THAT’S IT!!! When I serve these, my kids literally TIP THE PAN ONTO THEIR PLATES… and complain that I didn’t make enough again… The peas get sweeter and sweeter as they cook, and the onion does too…. soooo good! Sometimes, in the morning, I’ll make a batch and then whisk up some egg whites and add them to the peas for a great, quick breakfast…

I add frozen (not canned) corn to EVERYTHING! All soups, all stirfries, and I even pulverize them to make a corn mush and add them to ground turkey to make my burgers…

We eat it on the cob, saute’d with peas, roasted on the BBQ, but I really love it roasted in the oven…

Just rinse a bag of frozen corn in cool water to take the frost off, and place them in a shallow cookie sheet with sides… sprinkle with olive oil, salt and your favorite seasoning, and roast until golden brown… then just scoop up and eat them… or add them to salads, soups, whatever…

They have a great smokyesque quality, and are a little chewy… sooo good!!!

Whatever eating plan you choose… remember… eating a VERY, VERY light evening meal is the KEY… make your main meal of the day your lunch and you will start to transform your body…

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